We’ve been having a lot of rain and wind recently. It doesn’t stop us from doing our walks,
but the rub-a-dub thing after a walk has made me think as we’ve been having issues.
I would just like to inform the world and especially my hoomans that I am colour coded!
You can touch the black but not the tan!
Right … now that is cleared up I can get back to my duties which involve alerting Elke when the postman has been …
and helping with opening the post.
Have a nice day my friends and especially good wishes to Noah who has had his op by now. Hope you’re not too sore matie.
I guess you don’t mind walking in the rain and getting wet, Finni! Not me! I hate getting wet!
What did you open that you weren’t supposed to? Those packages don’t look like doggie toys to me! oops!
I hope Noah is feeling better today too!
Love ya lots,
I can se where you’re coming from Finni. I mean the tan bits are mud coloured for a reason! I have to confess though that I LOVE a good rub down.
Toodle pip,
Harry x
We feel the same about being dried off Finni. It all gets a bit much doesn’t it? Don’t understand why we just cannot lay out on the carpet and “Airedry”
Molly and Taffy
Hiya Finni,
Thanks matie, I’m feeling pretty good at the moment.
We like to go walkies and personally I don’t mind the rain. The rub down is just part of it unfortunately.
Hugs and tail wags
Finni Boy!
I too am a lover of rain walking. The color coding information is key to pass on to my girl. I never quite thought of it that way before.
I have to ask, is that a Bert stuffy (of Bert & Ernie fame) sneaking out of the frame in the first photo? I LOVE Bert AND Ernie… so chewable, and their noses are thankfully VERY 3-D.
Goober love,
Hi Stanley,
Well spotted! It is Bert from Sesame Street. I found him in the toy box in my mum’s office and ‘rescued’ him, Ernie and Elmo. They are now safely in my toy box.