I’ve had such a great Christmas and was busy playing with my new things that I just haven’t had the time to write.
Well, guess what Santa brought me …
Yes, it’s a Wubba! … and I like it a lot!
The other thing on my wish list was a little sister, but I asked for one that doesn’t … ahem … you know … bite your private bits. So Santa brought me this one …
She’s a WFT with a Santa hat and squeakers in her nose and … ahem … bottom. I like her but I had hoped for something a bit more lively. Never mind we’ll just have to keep working on that one.
I also got a tug toy which is ‘battle tested’, a pheasant and in the evening I found another present for me – a christmas cracker full of chewies. Amelie came for the day dressed up as Santa’s little helper, and I was good but it was hard because Christmas Day is sooo exciting.
For New Year last night there were fireworks in our village. I get very excited about them too. But they didn’t last long and with the help of quite a lot of fishy crunchies we survived it quite happily.
We’ve had a great walk this morning and it looks like 2008 is going to be a good year.
Happy New Year to you All!!!
Isn’t Wubba just the greatest, Finni!! We sure do love ours a whole lot!
What a cutie Amelie is! I bet sharing Christmas with her was lots of fun!
Keep working on the sister! We’ll cross our paws for you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Finni Happy New Year to you and your hoomans. We hope 2008 is the bestest!
Look like you had a great dale christmas.
The Thugletsx
Happy new year to yuo and your family Finni! Glad you’re enjoying your Wubba. Cassidy has Oscar’s yellow one. She can’t quite manage to make it squeak yet (thank goodness!).
Amelie looks adorable in her Santa outfit!
Are you really quite sure you don’t want to roasd test a little sis? I really wouldn’t mind sharing you know! 😉
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Happy New Year Finni
Christmas’s are the best aren’t they.
Curly girly Molly and Taffy. xx
Oh wow Finni, you got a blue wubba just like ours. They’re the best toy and ours is still going except Lucy or Tess, not sure who did it, pulled out the top ball but the squeaker is still going strong. Lucy shakes the wubba so hard she nearly knocks herself out…..silly git that she is.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hi Fini, Just poped into your blog to have a read and enjoyed it. Happy New Year to you and your family.
Bruno the Airedale XXXXX
Hello Finni
Thank you ever so much for the surpise package we received it this afternoon. It is a great little book.
Hope to see you very soon
Molly and Taffy
Hello Finni
We would love you to pop over to our blog. We have a little surprise for you.
Molly and Taffy
We tagged you, Finni! Check out my blog!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Finni, I love your blog, You are a very handsome Airedale indeed. I hope you don’t mind, I liked reading your blog so much, I told my human Mum to add your blog as a link on my blog.
Here is the link, http://www.chroniclesofkimi.blogspot.com
If its not ok, please let me know. I hope you can drop by my blog sometime too.
We finally registered with your site Finni! But we have been reading your blog for some time now. You are so beautiful – you should go into Airedale modelling!
Happy 2008 to you too – we hope it brings you all your wishes.
Love from Molly and Gertrude
Not sure if our comment worked – we’ll come back and check later!!
Love Molly and Gertrude