Busy, busy, busy…

Today I have been really busy…


…rearranging the sandpit in my puppy garden.


It took me quite a long time but when I dashed in after I had finished Elke made me sit to capture my triumph for posterity. And then she washed my muzzle. Ah well.

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3 Responses to Busy, busy, busy…

  1. jdhilmar says:

    You have your very own sandpit in your very own garden ! Wow, most impressive Finni.
    Molly and Taffy

  2. Katy says:

    I love that photo Finni, classic! Boo to mum giving you a wash though, what a spoilsport!

    Katy xxx

  3. Wee Rab says:

    Have so enjoyed your whole website(?) blog (?) whatever…have been dogless for 2.5 years now and miss my Newfoundlands terribly. Colleague of mine raises Airedales and so am familiar with them too..such delightful characters! Your Finni is clearly a unique personality.
    The hallway postal “sorting” video reminded me of my boy’s dedicated attention to thoughfully tearing evenly measured (don’t ask me how he did that!) strips off any pizza box into a careful little pile…nothing chewed up or sucked on, just a job he liked to do. A born recycler I guess!
    I used to carry a zippered waistpac for storing car keys, an extra lead line, poly scoop bags, ball, treats, towel, even a comb, mini pliers to crush burdock heads (before combing them out), and as a last resort…a small pair of blunt tipped scissors. Ah the joys of clanking along fully equipped on our many many walks!
    Thanks for allowing me to vicariously enjoy canine companionship…you are all very lucky and kind to share your hugely entertaining four footed furry young fellow (and his pals) with the rest of us. I shall look forward to returning and checking in again on the continuing saga.

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