Alternative Therapy

We’re pretty big on alternatives in this house. So Tim and I did a little Hypnosis work together. It goes like this:


I sit in front of him with a chewy and he starts to stroke me very gently…


… working his way from under my chin down my chest.


Slowly, very slowly I start going all floppy and he uses his other hand to start massaging around my ears.


As I am getting more and more relaxed I have to go down, down, down …


… until I’m on my side … with my chewy in my mouth.

Try it, it’s sooo nice.

Bye for now


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8 Responses to Alternative Therapy

  1. maggie says:

    We think that hypnosis is working on us too! We’re getting sleepy!
    Have a relaxing day, Finni!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  2. leuradales says:

    Hiya Finni,
    That hypnosis sure worked a treat on you matie lol. You still managed to keep the treat in your mouth. Good work my friend.

    Hugs and tail wags

  3. Molly and Taffy says:

    Hi Finni

    We go all soppy too when we have our ears massaged, but have to say the chew would not have lasted as long as yours did… probably would have been chewed and swallowed by Stage 1 of your hypnosis routine. lol.

    Molly and Taffy

  4. Stanley says:

    Hi, Finni Boy!

    This is Stanley’s girl, Lisa. Stanley is in a puddle on the floor, snoring away, not even a chewy in his mouth. Your hypnosis works… maybe a little TOO well.

    Love & kisses to you sweet boy,
    Lisa (for a snoring Stanley)

  5. You’re a funny boy Finni. I do love my rubs and tickles, but I’d always finish my chewy first!

    Toodle pip
    Harry x

  6. caz and Ludo says:

    Sounds like Tim has this off to a fine art. I will get caz to give it a go and let you know how we get on.

    Ludo the cool dude

  7. astany says:

    I was finally able to log inHi!!!
    You’w a cutie!
    I think hypnosis wowks the othew way awound too..look into youw pawents eyes and think winds up flying into youw mouf..twy it
    love and smoochie kisses

  8. Finni says:

    Hi Asta,
    How nice to have you on my blog. The hypnosis the other way round works really well with mum! …especially with biscuits! Great! Thanks Asta.
    I’d like to put a link to your blog but there seem to be two Astas … Which one is you?
    Finni xx

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