Elk II

Today I had a lovely surprise! I got a new elk!


I love elks, I had one when I was a pup and I took him everywhere, he was my best mate.

First  Collar

But then he tragically lost his eyes … and then his stuffing … and then he disappeared 🙁


This one has a very smart checked scarf – very trendy.


We played outside for a while. But then he disappeared! Oh NO!


I couldn’t find him anywhere.


I looked here…


and there, and everywhere. Then, suddenly, I found his scent…


and there he was, hiding!


Well, he got a good shaking for giving me such a fright.


I’ll certainly have to keep a much closer eye on him.

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4 Responses to Elk II

  1. The Thuglets says:

    Whooo hooo Finni your new elke is brillo. Make sure you keep a tight paw on him.

    The Thugletsx

  2. Finni says:

    Hahahaha. It’s an elk, thuglets, not an elke! I’ve still got the same one of them – complete with eyes and stuffing! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. jdhilmar says:

    A tree climbing Elk.

    Hmmmm , never heard of that species before. You will certainly have to keep a close eye on him by the look of things.

    Glad you tracked the little rascal down and gave him a good shaking for his bad behaviour.

    Molly and Taffy

  4. What an imp of an elk to hide in the tree like that!

    Toodle pip,
    Harry x

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