Nelly’s Blob: DIY Airedo!

Hi Every Puppy!

Finni said I could use his Blob because mine is broken! I can’t put any photos in their right places anymore!

The garage is finished and we had the Block paving done as well by Billy (he said he didn’t like doggies when he came to our house for the first time!) but Finni soon made friends with him and Billy came on to the veranda to sit with him.


The finished garage and paving.



But because it all cost sooo many T-bags Mummy decided to give us Airedos herself.

This is me:


and here are me and Finni


Mummy still needs to finish Finni’s furnishings – she has to mentally prepare herself for that … he hates having his feet touched. I had my feet touched and I don’t mind! I even had all my knots taken out of my paws! I only needed one plaster! [ Somehow I caught her under her chin and gave her clipper burn 🙁 ) . I have to wear socks now, hehe. Mummy calls me ‘Nelly-long-stockings’


I don’t wear them when we go for walkies because I’m too busy hunting mice and things to scratch my chin but when we’re at home and Mummy can’t watch me all the time I wear them. They’re comfy. They’ve got stuffing in the ends (out of an elk) to make my claws nice and soft and I can’t pull scabs of and make myself bleed again. Mummy says things are healing nicely.


And I have lovely warm paws!


See you soon!


Nelly xx

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12 Responses to Nelly’s Blob: DIY Airedo!

  1. Boy, Finni and Billy look like best chums!
    Your mum did a great job on your Airedo’s! They look like super professional cuts to us!
    Nelly, you look so cute in your stockings! Nelly LongStockings! hehehe

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  2. Violet says:

    The Garage looks Fantastic. The Airedo’s are just lovely. Warm toes are always a nice thing!

  3. Sally Ann says:

    Y’all both look great. I love the socks.
    Sally Ann

  4. Mischka says:

    Hallo Finn und Nelly
    endlich gibt es ein Lebenszeichen von Euch!
    Wieviele Teebeutel insgesamt dauerte den der Garagenbau? *lach*
    Toll ist alles geworden. Auch Ihr seht gut aus. Besonders gefallen mir die Socken.
    Hier blühen nun auch endlich die Tulpen. Alles etwas spät, aber nun ist er da, der Frühling. Ich war sogar heute im großen Wasser baden.
    Liebe Grüße

  5. Your hairdos look great- professional “do’s” if I ever saw them!
    And you sure do look spiffy in those socks!
    Talk with you two soon.

    Your buddy,

  6. You guys look great Nelly and Finni! Your mom did a great job giving you hAirecuts!

    I can’t believe your mom pulled the sockie trick on you too Nelly, she does that to me too when she doesn’t want me to scratch…hmmmph!

    Love nibbles,
    Miss Sunshade

  7. Momo & Pinot says:

    Hi again Nelly and Finni.. No worries. Blogger is very temperamental. Well.. human Billy looks so comfy with you Finni… That’s called Airedale magic! Seriously who can really say no thanks to doggie to you guys?

    Well done for your mummy!! Our paws up!

    Momo & Pinot

  8. Noah says:

    Goodness how smart do you two look. Your mum did a great job with the clipping (much better than ours hehe).
    The garage and paving looks awesome too. Good job.

    Noah Willow Tess Lucy

  9. BamBam says:

    Endlich mal wieder Neuigkeiten von euch. Und dann noch mit so schönen Fotos. Ich kann euch nicht auseinanderhalten. Das ist sehr schwer zu sagen, wer wer ist. Frauchen denkt manchmal, sie will auch so ein KlippingDing. Aber in der Wohnung will sie die Schweinerei nicht haben. Und auf der Wiese am Bach ist kein Strom.

    Nelly, du hast süße Füße in den Socken. Mir macht es auch nichts, wenn Fauchen meine Füße anfasst. Wir beide sind halt cool.


  10. hey! U both look like mirror images of each other.And what adorable images too!
    we love the color of that garage bright n happy

    hope ur paw heals soon
    wags Bud n Gin

  11. BowWozer Nellie, Your mommy did a great job of haircutting!! Can she fly over here and teach our poor, pathetic mommy how to do it?? The new garage turned out terrific!! We knew that you 2 would win over that Billyguy’s heart. Who could resist a fabulous Dale?! Have a great week.
    Smooches from pooches,
    BabyRD and Hootie {{wink.wink}}

    ps-Hootie says you look beautiful with your new hairs cut!

  12. Sherry says:

    You both look beautiful and the socks are quite stylish. Getting that “brick-head” look isn’t easy even though some Airedales (not you, of course) can easily act like brick-heads.
    Alanis and Miro

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