Aire Mail

I’m waiting for Dave our postie.


We’ve ordered something of ebay. My mum had it on her Christmas list but Santa must have forgotten. Then we looked everywhere for it and eventually found it on ebay. It came all the way from America.


Dave brought it today (and a handful of biscuits! I sit nicely for those).


We love it!

Finni paw

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5 Responses to Aire Mail

  1. caz and Ludo says:

    love the calander now you can put all your important dates on it .

    Ludo the cool dude

  2. maggie says:

    An Airedale calendar! Way Cool, Finni! Did you add your birthday yet?

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  3. jdhilmar says:

    Your Postman is a nice chappie bringing treats for his most important customer.
    Molly and Taffy xx

  4. We got that calendar, but mummy getted it from a shop here in Swindon. We could have sended you one!!

    Cassidy x

  5. Stanley says:

    Hey, Finni.

    Niiiice calendar. Very nice. You have your postman trained SOOO well, man. How’d you DO that?

    I am in awe at your skills.

    Goober love,

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